champ de blé face au coucher du soleil
Hugo Noulin / Université Paris-Saclay

SurfAtm, a Model for Assessing Exchanges of Pollutants Between the Atmosphere and the Biosphere, Goes Open Access

March 13 2024

The SurfAtm model (a contraction of the words Surface and Atmosphere), has just been made available in an open-access format. Erwan Personne, an AgroParisTech faculty member with the EcoSys Joint Research Unit* (INRAE – AgroParisTech) and the researcher who helped create this model in collaboration with Patrick Stella, Associate Professor at AgroParisTech, tells us more about SurfAtm, its specificities, and the different ways it can be used.

* Functional Ecology and Ecotoxicology of Agroecosystems