Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degrees
February 23 2022Since their creation under the Erasmus+ program, AgroParisTech has been a strong supporter of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degrees. Throughout the years, as it has pursued its internationalization strategy and built its educational offering, AgroParisTech has gotten involved in a growing number of joint master’s degree programs, and has even acted as the coordinating entity for two of them.
The aim of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degrees (EMJMDs) is to allow European higher education institutions to achieve greater excellence and internationalization by offering innovative educational programs that are made more attractive by the “Erasmus Mundus” label and by the availability of scholarships for world-class international students from all corners of the globe. EMJMDs are international academic programs each run by a consortium of higher education institutions from at least three different countries. They require students to study in at least two different countries, depending on their chosen course of study. As such, they offer an opportunity to develop a specific offering for international students, to create unique courses of study in cooperation with our European (and non-European) partners, and to bolster AgroParisTech’s own efforts to achieve greater internationalization.

AgroParisTech is currently involved in 7 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree programs:
2 projects as the coordinating entity: FIPDes, in the field of agrifood innovation, and Bioceb, in the field of bioeconomics;
4 projects as a partner: EMABG, in the field of animal genetics, PlantHealth, in the field of sustainable cropping, and European Forestry and GloFor in the field of forestry ;
1 project as an associated partner: TROPIMUNDO, in the field of tropical ecosystem protection:
The FIPDes Joint Master’s Degree, coordinated by Barbara Rega, is the first program created to meet the world’s challenges in the areas of food innovation and product design and packaging. FIPDes is a 2-year program that aims to train a new generation of food-industry professionals who are capable of working internationally, equipped with an inclusive view on innovation, in order to encourage healthy, sustainable food production for the generations to come.
FIPDes, which celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2021, has become a global reference in its field, and has students and alumni from 65 different countries and a worldwide network that spans every continent. This program was awarded the “Erasmus Mundus Success Story” and “Good Practice Example” labels by the European Commission.
- Coordinator: AgroParisTech
- Partners: Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin – Ireland), Università di Napoli Federico II (Italy), Lund University (Sweden)
Periods: 2011-2017; 2016-2021; 2019-2026
Barbara Rega (Coordinator - AgroParisTech)
Useful links:
Bioceb, coordinated by Stéphanie Baumberger, is a 2-year joint master’s program that trains future professionals to meet the challenges associated with the expansion of the global bioeconomy without losing sight of the crucial issues of durability and circularity.
Bioceb offers in-depth training on biotechnologies, covering the wide variety of biological resources that exist and their optimal use, the design and scaling of bioprocesses, engineering for biosourced products in target markets, and complementary skills such as socioeconomic and environmental evaluation and project management, in particular through “Green Line Projects.” The educational approach utilized also includes confronting students with case studies and allowing them to discover biorefinery systems that are tailored to local conditions.
Coordinator: AgroParisTech (Stéphanie Baumberger)
- Partners: University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (France), Aalto University (Finland), Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech – Estonia), University of Liège (Belgium)
Period: 2019-2025
Stéphanie Baumberger (Coordinator - AgroParisTech)
Helpful links:
EMABG is a 2-year joint master’s program that seeks to train a new generation of students capable of meeting the current and future needs of the animal-breeding sector in a context of globalization. By enhancing cooperation between participating universities and the education received by its students, EMABG aims to tackle the practical, scientific, and societal challenges posed by the field of animal breeding and genetics.
AgroParisTech host students in the 2nd year of this master’s program and takes part in joint activities.
Coordinator: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences of Vienna (BOKU – Austria)
Partners: AgroParisTech, Wageningen University & Research (WUR – Netherlands), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), University of Göttingen (Germany)
Period: 2018-2024
- Contacts:
- Administrative Office
- Thomas Heams (AgroParisTech)
- Helpful links:
The European Forestry joint master’s program is a two-year international course of study devoted to forest sciences. It offers courses in the fields of renewable resources, bioeconomy, and nature management. It aims to give future industry professionals a thorough understanding of the forest bioeconomy and solid knowledge of the European business culture.
AgroParisTech host students on its Nancy campus in the 2nd year of this master’s program and takes part in joint activities.
Coordinator: University of Eastern Finland (UEF)
Partners: AgroParisTech, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences of Vienna (BOKU – Austria), University of Freiburg (Germany), University of Lleida (Spain), Transylvania University of Brașov (Romania)
Periods: 2010-2016; 2016-2019; 2019-2023
Meriem Fournier (AgroParisTech)
Helpful links:
The PlantHealth joint master’s program, an entirely international course of study that is extremely competitive on a global scale, has been designed by major European universities to train professionals in the field of crop protection. It offers a high-caliber, tailored education that prepares future industry professionals for the challenges of preserving plant health, associated with global food safety issues.
As part of this program, AgroParisTech host students in the 2nd year of their master’s studies.
Coordinator: Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV – Spain)
Partners: AgroParisTech, Institut Agro (Montpellier and Rennes-Angers), University of Göttingen (Germany), University of Padua (Italy)
Periods: 2015-2020; 2018-2024
Ivan Sache (AgroParisTech)
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The GloFor joint master’s program is a fully international two-year course of study that aims to prepare students to deal with forestry’s tremendous contemporary challenges and potentials in medium and low-income countries.
AgroParisTech hosts students in its Montpellier campus in the 2nd year of this master’s program and takes part in joint activities.
Coordinator: University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Partners: AgroParisTech, Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden – Germany), University of Padua (Italy), Czech University of Life Sciences (Czech Republic)
Periods: 2022-2028
Raphaël Manlay (AgroParisTech)
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