Nancy Campus
February 11 2022About the Campus
First used for the Forestry School established in 1824 and brought under the umbrella of the National School of Rural Engineering, Water Resources and Forestry (ENGREF) in 1966, this site became an AgroParisTech campus in 2007. With its partners from the Grand Est region and its national and international networks, the campus is home to one-of-a-kind educational programs that contribute to training a highly educated workforce (engineering, master’s degrees, and Ph.D.’s) and interdisciplinary research teams, both of which maintain relations with the wood and forestry industries and are centered around sustainable forest maintenance and expertise, wood products and energy, urban and rural trees, and nature management.
The AgroParisTech Nancy campus is located in downtown Nancy, a major higher education and research city that is home to 50,000 students and hosts important research activities conducted by the University of Lorraine, the CNRS, INRIA, and INRAE. On campus, students and visitors alike enjoy a pleasant environment that offers access to forest land and expertise—which are at the very heart of the site’s research and teaching activities.
Practical Information
- Access: 14, rue Girardet, 54042 Nancy Cedex. Open to the public on business days from 8 A.M. to 12 P.M. and 2 P.M. to 5 P.M. Outside of these hours, access is limited to individuals with badges.
- Telephone: + 33 (0)3 83 39 68 00
- Campus Director: Myriam Legay, myriam.legay@agroparistech.fr.
- Management Team: direction-nancy@agroparistech.fr
- Executive assistant: Christine Valentin, christine.valentin@agroparistech.fr –
- + 33 (0)3 83 39 68 03
- Campus Map: https://intra.agroparistech.fr/spip.php?rubrique624
Programs Taught on the Campus
In association with other AgroParisTech campuses, including Kourou, Montpellier, and Agro Paris-Saclay, the Nancy campus is responsible for AgroParisTech’s educational programs in the field of forestry:
It oversees the forestry curricula for the AgroParisTech engineering program (master’s level) in the following majors:
- Forest Management (GF)
- Forest Resources and the Lumber Industry (RFF)
- Natural Resources and Environmental Management (GMN)
- Urban Forestry (IEVU-Urban Forestry)
It oversees the Forestry Sciences and Engineering (SIF) diploma, awarded to engineering students who have acquired substantial expertise in the field of forestry;
It contributes to the Forest, Nature, and Society – International Management (FNS-MI) specialized master’s degree (6 years of postsecondary studies);
It jointly oversees the Agrosciences, Environment, Territory, Landscape, and Forests (AETPF) master’s degree program alongside the University of Lorraine. It is particularly involved in the “Wood, Forest, and Sustainable Development” (BFD), “Agricultural and Forestry Ecosystems” (ECOSAFE), and “Forests and their Environment” (FEN – the second year of which is taught entirely in English) master’s programs. FEN hosts students from the “European Forestry” master’s degree, which AgroParisTech offers through a partnership with 6 other European universities;
It takes part in the SIReNa Doctoral School’s activities (in the fields of earth and universe sciences, the environment, agronomy, forestry, biology, ecology and biotechnology) alongside the University of Lorraine. It works in association with the Legal, Political, Economic and Management Sciences Doctoral School (SJPEG).
Research – Joint Research Units and Research Laboratories Present on the Campus
- SILVA – Joint Research Unit
A joint research unit from the University of Lorraine, AgroParisTech, and INRAE, SILVA conducts interdisciplinary research on wood, trees, and forest ecosystems to meet the challenges of forest ecosystems adapting to global change and the provision of ecosystem services.
- Bureau of Theoretical and Applied Economics (BETA) – Joint Research Unit
A joint research unit from the University of Lorraine, the University of Strasbourg, AgroParisTech, the CNRS, and INRAE, BETA is located on three main sites, including AgroParisTech’s Nancy campus. It develops research that combines theoretical knowledge with concrete applications in the fields of economics and management. The faculty, researchers, engineers, and Ph.D. Students on AgroParisTech’s Nancy campus contribute to BETA’s research in fields relating to forest economics (goods and services derived from forest ecosystems, behavior of private forest owners, managers, and users, the way in which the forestry sector operates, etc.).
- The National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information’s Laboratory of Forest Inventory (LIF-IGN)
The aim of this team, created in 2014 on AgroParisTech’s Nancy campus, is to optimize the way in which the national forest inventory is conducted and used in France in order to produce a high-quality strategic source of information.
These three research units contribute to the ARBRE (Advanced Research on the Biology of Tree and Forest Ecosystems) Labex, part of the Lorraine University of Excellence I-SITE.
Specific Tools and Equipment on the Site
- A shared vehicle fleet with 10 vehicles (four 9-seat vehicles and six 5-seat vehicles)
- 127,000 sq. ft. (nearly 12,000 m²) of facilities, including 2 lecture halls, 4 computer rooms, 10 classrooms, 1 lab work room, 1 restaurant, and 4 meeting rooms
- 1,885 acres of forests within 25 km (15.5 mi.) of the campus
- The campus features a documentation center that is open to the public and has a forestry collection unlike any other in France. Patrons have access to a remotely searchable catalogue and electronic resources, well-equipped workspaces, and a free system of library loans.
A publishing department that sells forestry-related books and publishes the Revue Forestière Française (6 issues per year + special issues)
Campus Life
A student hall for student clubs and associations.
An on-campus student dormitory with direct access at 97 Rue Saint-Georges in downtown Nancy.
The Saint-Georges residence hall features 76 rooms and 12 studio apartments divided into two wings. http://www2.agroparistech.fr/Centre-de-Nancy-1034.html