Une partie de l'équipe du programme REACTEURS
Une partie de l'équipe du programme REACTEURS / AgroParisTech

“It is essential that together we create a positive narrative, promoting the richness and diversity of our regions.”

April 14 2023

How can a region be given a new lease on life thanks to its own local resources? This is the fundamental question being tackled by the team at the action research program known as REACTEURS (“REdirecting, REinventing, and REconnecting Agriculture for Regions and Local Stakeholders”). The program is coordinated by Laurent Lelli and Célia Auquier, researchers with the Territories UMR (joint research unit) at AgroParisTech Clermont-Ferrand, in association with the InterActions partnership chair (supported by the AgroParisTech Foundation). Launched in 2019, the objective of this project is to leverage a collaborative approach to strengthen the appeal of four areas in the Massif Central region of France, in order to boost their economic development by identifying and showcasing territorial specificities.